Thursday, May 21, 2009

Things I like in 3 articles

For the tech class I need to write about things that were interesting in three of the articles we were assigned to read.....
So, "Examining Social Software in Teacher Education" is an article about teachers and social networking through the internet. It talks about how this can be a good and a bad thing, but many teachers automatically think it is bad. This is an interesting article because it shows teachers how they can grow as a learner and a teacher. They can collaborate with others to make themselves better teachers, but they can also relate with the students and teach them how to use the software safely.

"Social Networking" also talks about how this kind of software can be used. Facebook, Myspace, and Wikipedia are mentioned in this article. This article talks more about the websites themselves and how they came about. This is interesting because most people have no idea how the sites were made and what about them keep people interested.

Is interesting because it talks about learning styles of our students. Students are now "hardwired" and this is different from the learning most teachers are used to.

We as teachers need to utilize technology with our students, because this is how the world is today. If we ignore the fact that our students, parents, and fellow co-workers are on the internet, how is this helping our students learn?


  1. It is important to keep up with modern technology. Young people are always aware of the latest technologies. If the teacher and student can relate to eachother and have something in common pertaining to technology which will promote learning. It sounds like a great thing.

  2. I enjoyed and learned tons reading the Social Networking article. I keep meaning to ask my 14-yr old son if he knows the history of MySpace and Facebook. Shall be interesting!

  3. Found the articles to be informative. Discovered how much I need to learn. Can't believe I have to tell my kids that they know more than me.

  4. I didnt not write about the article that discussed "always on" learning styles, but I liked what you said about it and how students are hardwired in different ways and we need to remember that when teaching. I am noticing it in classrooms at my schools when some student have computers to type or magnifying machines for enlarging print. All sorts of things. Technology and some of the social software can definitly be a positive tool in helping those students who are hardwired much differently and need more assitance in learning. Technology can sometimes be the only way we can get through to them and get them to learn the same info at the same pace as the rest of the class.

  5. I agree on introducing new technology to our students, but I guess the big question is still accessability. Most of my kids are inter-city kids and they do not have Internet access at home so it is hard to even introduce research projects. Our computer lab on campus is coming up, but still isn't quite with it. With that being said, I still really like the idea of at least introducing blogging into my health class. I am going to try it next semester and see how it goes. Wish me luck.

  6. New technology is great for our students and I think that the more technology we find as teachers will only help us help the students. Teaching students how to use new software/technology is important because then they do not feel left behind the other students who are great at new technologies. It is a gift for some students who can take a new electronic and play with it for an hour and know just about everything it can do.

  7. In the first article you mentioned how many teachers automatically think it's bad. A lot do, w/o even giving it a chance. I think as more educators begin using this netwoking media, more will catch on and people will begin seeing the value in it. I think it would give teachers a chance to connect with their students on a different level, and form a better bond. I think some students that may shy away from attention in class, or restrain from participating in discussions could make their thoughts know and heard via technology.
