Sunday, May 31, 2009


Ok everyone, I finally did the bloglines thing. Athough I still am not too excited and up to what the whole RSS thing is. Yes I should have done it earlier in the week, but me the procrastanator kicked in and I waited too long. Next week I will be a pro, just you wait:)
Hope everyone else was a little faster on the technology class then I was:)
Have a good week, I know I will, it's my last week of teaching.....

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Photo Share

This is my dog Wickett, she is like my kid, since I don't have any yet. She looks completely different since she had her hair cut. She is on the desk at the District Office.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Things I like in 3 articles

For the tech class I need to write about things that were interesting in three of the articles we were assigned to read.....
So, "Examining Social Software in Teacher Education" is an article about teachers and social networking through the internet. It talks about how this can be a good and a bad thing, but many teachers automatically think it is bad. This is an interesting article because it shows teachers how they can grow as a learner and a teacher. They can collaborate with others to make themselves better teachers, but they can also relate with the students and teach them how to use the software safely.

"Social Networking" also talks about how this kind of software can be used. Facebook, Myspace, and Wikipedia are mentioned in this article. This article talks more about the websites themselves and how they came about. This is interesting because most people have no idea how the sites were made and what about them keep people interested.

Is interesting because it talks about learning styles of our students. Students are now "hardwired" and this is different from the learning most teachers are used to.

We as teachers need to utilize technology with our students, because this is how the world is today. If we ignore the fact that our students, parents, and fellow co-workers are on the internet, how is this helping our students learn?

Tech for Teachers

Being a teacher I am very careful what I do on the Internet. I am very worried that a student will get online and find me. I have a facebook page but have it so that only my friends can look at it. I am very careful who I add as a friend and what I put on the page.

The Internet can be a place for a future boss to look as well as students and parents. I would be really mad if an employer looked at one of my pages and didn't like the friends that I had on there or took a statement the wrong way, and in turn it affected my position or lack there of.

On the other had these sites are awesome for finding my old friends. I have found people I went to high school with that I would not have known anything about if it wasn't for the Internet.

I say be careful as a teacher. You always have to be aware that people are looking at you as a teacher, at school and away from school..
Good Luck Teachers:)

Monday, May 18, 2009

Mean Kids

Ok well now is my second blog.... Weird..
Today was crazy, kids can be so mean. I teach 4th and 5th grade PE. It is unbelievable how kids can be so mean to another if a kid on their team makes a mistake. I can remember 4th grade, girls were so mean, your friend one second and the next they hate you and you are a terrible person. I am so glad I am past that age.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Hello all,
This is my first post, I am currently in the Masters Program at Fresno Pacific University and one of the requirements for my class is to create a blog, so here it is.

It is a very hot Sunday afternoon at my parents ranch so I am working on homework inside out of the sun, too bad we don't have AC.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend.